Front Porch Blog
Updates from Appalachia
Court rules that coal mines need a permit for water pollution from valley fills
Good news for clean water! Despite a setback in appeals court, overall the Red River Coal Company court ruling will help communities fight back against pollution from mountaintop removal coal mines.
New tool tracks reforestation on old surface mines
Join us on Wednesday, May 26 at 11 a.m. for our release of a new tool that monitors the growth of trees and other vegetation on old surface coal mines in Central Appalachia.
Coal communities and mine cleanup at the center of federal and grassroots efforts
With bills on the Hill, proposals from the White House, new reports issued and forthcoming from grassroots advocates, and new projects underway, there is a lot happening when it comes to coal communities and mine cleanup!
Good and bad bills in NC legislature
It’s spring, which means the bills coming into the North Carolina legislature are about as thick as the pollen in the air here. Our NC Field Coordinator Josh McClenney gives us a quick preview of the 2021 session.