Front Porch Blog
Updates from Appalachia

Utility disconnection protections: Let’s make it permanent
Shutting off electricity and other vital utilities of families who can’t afford their bills is unjust. During a pandemic, it’s barbaric. Appalachian Voices offers solutions.
Updates in the fight against MVP and MVP Southgate
Catch up on updates about the proposed Mountain Valley Pipeline and its Southgate extension with upcoming events, regulatory developments and the latest news about construction of these projects and the communities fighting back.
Highlights from the Energy Democracy in Action webinar series
Advocates from across the country shared stories of how they gained control over how and where their power is produced during the first two webinars of the three-part Energy Democracy In Action series. Read the highlights and register for the third webinar.
What the bipartisan infrastructure bill means for Appalachia
The Senate’s nearly 3,000-page infrastructure bill would bring major investments in programs that support Appalachian communities, including abandoned mine cleanup and broadband. But the bill also has its flaws.