Front Porch Blog
Updates from Appalachia

Boo! Should Duke Energy’s shift from electricity rates to mandatory fees scare us?
In addition to the thousands of customers, NC’s customer advocate has come out strongly against Duke Energy Progress’s 14 percent rate hike. There’s even more to the story when you dig in …
A people’s tribunal on environmental justice impacts of fracked gas
Lakshmi Fjord, property owner in Buckingham County, Va., where a giant compressor station would be built, talks about the ongoing effort to stop the Atlantic Coast Pipeline and the people coming together to fight it.
Upset residents say NO to Duke Energy rate hikes
Hundreds of upset electricity customers attended a series of hearings regarding a 16.7 percent rate hike proposed by Duke Energy Progress. Public comments will be taken through Nov. 19
Defending community rights to clean water enforcement
After four years of effort, a favorable ruling in Virginia this month confirmed the rights of citizens to participate in coal mine inspections.
A historic step backward
The Clean Power Plan represented a historic if modest step toward curbing carbon pollution and accelerating the transition to cleaner energy nationwide. Repealing the rule is a historic step backward.