Front Porch Blog
Updates from Appalachia

Cleaning up mines owned by Gov. Justice and his family would create hundreds of jobs
There is enough outstanding reclamation liability on coal mines owned by West Virginia Governor Jim Justice and/or his adult children to employ 220 to 460 workers for five years, according to our report. Nearly 34,000 acres of Justice-family mines across five states are in need of some degree of environmental cleanup.
NC’s bad ratepayer bill passed into law
Despite immense pressure from advocates and ratepayers, NC Gov. Roy Cooper signed HB 951, Duke Energy’s handwritten legislation that will drastically raise rates on families and small businesses, into law.
“The Energizer”
Appalachian Voices recently nominated our partner Jason Carney for the Click & Pledge Foundation “Undercover Hero” video award.
Restoring waters damaged by acid mine drainage: A conversation with Amanda Pitzer
Amanda Pitzer with Friends of the Cheat discusses the specific impacts of acid mine drainage on the Cheat River, analyzes abandoned mine lands funding pending before Congress and charts a path for future success in collaboration with state and federal decision-makers.