Front Porch Blog
Updates from Appalachia

RECLAIM Act Passes House Natural Resources Committee
The RECLAIM Act would accelerate the cleanup of abandoned mines while spurring economic opportunities in coal communities.
County commissioners pass resolutions to support energy efficiency
Buncombe County, N.C. passed a resolution encouraging the local electric cooperative to develop a program that would help thousands of people in the area afford home energy efficiency improvements.
USFS to hold open houses on North Carolina Forest Plan revisions
This summer, the U.S. Forest Service will host a series of open houses in western North Carolina as part of its 15-year planning process for the Nantahala and Pisgah National Forests.
Citizens discuss environmental threats and economic priorities during Congressman’s visit
People from coal-impacted communities across Central Appalachia recently gathered in Wise County, Va., to share their concerns and ideas with U.S. Representative Raúl Grijalva.
All the ways this White House props up coal
The coal lobby’s influence over the White House is a given at this point — as is the White House’s willingness to put its finger on the scale in favor of our dirtiest, most carbon-packed energy sources.