April/May 2017

Featured Stories

Remembering Carol Judy

Carol Judy of Roses Creek, Tenn., was an activist, an agitator, an educator and an organizer. She was also a root digger, mother and grandmother, and dear friend to many.


Hiking the Highlands

SAWS trail crew

Refuge, Restoration and Radio Silence at Laurel Fork

In the shadow of a National Radio Astronomy Observatory telescope, Laurel Fork Trails offers scenic views and a rare chance to escape the buzzes and beeps of the technological age.

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Naturalist’s Notebook


Leave it to Beavers

Beavers are sometimes called “nature’s engineers,” and for good reason. By building lodges and dams as their homes, they physically alter the landscape to suit their own needs, similar to humans.

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Member Spotlights

Member Spotlight: Susan Tyree & Kent Walton

Virginia residents Susan Tyree and Kent Walton are long-time Appalachian Voices members. They share their passion for nature through Susan’s art, Kent’s work as an arborist, and their activism with the Quaker environmental and social justice community.

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Front page news

Budget Blowback

The “America First” budget proposed by President Donald Trump in March 2017 would slash funding to many programs that Appalachian residents depend on.

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Appalachian legislators

Environmental Votetracker — April/May 2017

How Appalachian House and Senate members voted regarding several environmental issues in February and March.

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