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How a Pipeline Battle Led an Advocate for Formerly Incarcerated People Into Solar Workforce Development

Men work with solar components

Richard Walker of Bridging the Gap in Virginia is working to make sure vulnerable communities are not left behind in the green energy transformation.


Cultivating Communities Through Seed Saving

The University of North Georgia Appalachian Studies Center’s signature project, the Saving Appalachian Gardens and Stories, is a demonstration garden for heirloom seeds and an oral history collection. Photo courtesy Rosann Kent.

Seed saving allows gardeners and farmers to explore new varieties of the plants they grow while forming communities around the practice.


The Beast of Bristol: The Landfill Haunting Residents of the Twin Cities

two people in front of a large guitar statue hold signs about the landfill problems

Terrible, persistent smells from the Bristol landfill have put a damper on quality of life for residents of the Twin Cities. Officials acknowledge the problem, but there’s no clear path forward.


Surviving Winter as a Salamander in Appalachia

A green salamander peeks its head outside its rocky winter retreat.

What do salamanders do when the air turns frigid? UVA-Wise professor Walter Smith has been observing a particular green salamander for 8 years, and shares some of the species’ survival strategies.


Black Lung Advocate Judith Riffe is Making Change (and Quilts) in West Virginia

woman with light blonde hair and glasses holds a quilt square with cutout images of miners, a canary, mining boots, coal and a Bible

Judith Riffe of the Wyoming County Black Lung Association uses her quilt-making talents to fundraise for the chapter and is spearheading the installation of a statue to bring attention to the role of women miners.


Black Appalachian Coalition Aims to Shift Narrative on Energy, Other Issues

The Black Appalachian Coalition is seeking to amplify the voices of Appalachia’s people of color, whose stories are often left out of policy discussions about energy and other issues in the region.
Bishop Marcia Dinkins, the group’s founder and executive director, recently talked with the Energy News Network about the coalition’s work.


Residents Near Proposed Lambert Compressor Station Push Back, Cite Environmental Racism

A Pittsylvania County community is urging the Virginia Air Pollution Control Board to deny a permit for Mountain Valley Pipeline’s proposed Lambert Compressor Station, which would pressurize and pump natural gas, emitting air pollution in the county’s historically Black Banister District.


In a Nutshell: A Native Forage With Potential

Members of the Nutty Buddy Collective are tending orchards and processing locally foraged acorns and black walnuts into food to make the case that native nuts can once again help keep our communities healthy — and foster healthier forests at the same time.


Potential Federal Action Would Address Common and Harmful “Forever Chemicals”

wide blue river flanked by autumn trees

Congress and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency could soon take steps to protect communities from an incredibly common but little-known family of man-made chemicals that have been accumulating in waterways and in people’s blood for decades.


North Carolina Seeks Public Comment on Regional Haze Plan

view of a mountain is partially obscured by white haze

As North Carolina develops its 10-year plan to reduce haze in national parks and wilderness areas, conservation and health groups allege that North Carolina and other Southeast states are missing key sources of emissions in their analysis.


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