Welcoming Virginia’s New Environmental Justice Council
In October, we were on hand to applaud Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe’s executive order to create an Environmental Justice Advisory Council.

Members of the Virginia Environmental Justice Collaborative, including Kate Boyle at far left, present Secretary of Natural Resources Molly Ward a thank-you for her leadership in establishing an Environmental Justice Advisory Council. Photo courtesy of New Virginia Majority
“The governor’s announcement marks an important step towards the inclusion of those most impacted by pollution in decision-making,” says Appalachian Voices Deputy Executive Director Kate Boyle, who was chief among those advocating for the creation of this council. “We look forward to working with the Environmental Justice Advisory Council to address the greatest environmental harms facing the commonwealth.”
“This Environmental Justice Advisory Council will work to ensure that every Virginian has a voice in protecting the quality of our air and water,” said Governor McAuliffe in a press release. “This council will provide critical advice on how to protect our natural resources and address environmental pollution in a way that is both inclusive and action-oriented.”
According to the release, the governor will appoint people from “a variety of backgrounds and geographic regions.”
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