Bill and Lynn Limpert

Bill and Lynn Limpert by tree

When Bill and Lynn Limpert retired on 120 acres of rugged Virginia mountains, they never thought they would have to fight against Atlantic Coast Pipeline developers seeking to cut down their old-growth trees.

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Holding Pipeline Profiteers Accountable

sign in front of house

SPECIAL COLUMN: The fossil fuel industry and monopoly utilities, and their political abettors, will not turn easily from their money-making course. We citizens must continue to call them out, hold them accountable, and push hard for a future that is economically and socially just, and environmentally sustainable.

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Standing up to the utility giants

In a testament to the power that Dominion Energy, Virginia’s largest corporate political campaign donor, is accustomed to wielding, the state has earned a dubious distinction: “One of the top state regulatory environments for utilities in the U.S.,” according to Goldman Sachs. The key phrase here is “for utilities.” But what’s best for these companies’…

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Va. bill on electric rates a bad deal for consumers

CONTACT: Cat McCue, Communications Director,, 434-293-6373 The Virginia Senate Commerce and Labor Committee is considerng legislation this afternoon regarding the proposed repeal of the 2015 “rate freeze” for electric utilities and overhauling the process for establishing customer rates going forward. The State Corporation Commission and Virginia Attorney General’s office — both charged with ensuring…

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Despite vigorous opposition, Virginia water board approves conditional permit for Atlantic Coast Pipeline

CONTACT: Cat McCue, Director of Communications, 434-293-6373, Peter Anderson, Virginia Program Manager, 434-293-6373, The Virginia State Water Control Board today approved a heavily amended certification for the proposed fracked-gas Atlantic Coast Pipeline that is conditional on getting outstanding information from state regulators about the project’s impacts to water quality. The board voted 4-3…

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Feds must re-do environmental studies for fracked-gas pipelines

Contact: Cat McCue, Appalachian Voices, 434-293-6373, Doug Jackson, Sierra Club, 202-495-3045, Ben Luckett, Appalachian Mountain Advocates, 304-645-0125, WASHINGTON, D.C. — Appalachian Voices and partner organizations have filed a request for a rehearing before the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) for the Mountain Valley and Atlantic Coast pipelines, a necessary step before filing…

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