Turning Trash into Fuel

Lebanon Gasification Plant

Using gasification can turn waste products like wood and chicken manure into energy and produce a useful agricultural byproduct — but opponents raise concerns about air pollution.

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Burning Wood: The Good, the Bad and the Misunderstood

As the push continues to seek alternative and renewable energy resources, utility companies are increasingly turning to an energy source from days gone by: wood. The growth of the biomass-for-energy industry has been particularly vigorous in the Southeast, with exports of wood pellets rising by 70 percent in just the past year. While this industry…

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Bio-energy Creates A Mass of Questions

By Jason Reagan Biomass: it’s a new word but an ancient energy source. For much of the world, the practice of gathering energy from organic material — the “bio” in “biomass” — is an everyday affair. Worldwide, about 146 billion tons of biomass are produced every year. However, the growing interest in biomass as an…

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