Who Profits from the Pipelines?

Expansion of the natural gas infrastructure through constructions such as the Atlantic Coast and Mountain Valley Pipelines carry significant risks to the environment and communities near them. But they also carry significant financial benefits for the companies that build them, which may help explain the rush to build more and more pipelines.

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Following the White Blaze

For nearly 70 years, adventurous souls have been thru-hiking the Appalachian Trail. People embark on the challenge for various reasons, but no one who makes the journey is ever the same again.

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Budget Blowback

Front page news

The “America First” budget proposed by President Donald Trump in March 2017 would slash funding to many programs that Appalachian residents depend on.

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Leave it to Beavers


Beavers are sometimes called “nature’s engineers,” and for good reason. By building lodges and dams as their homes, they physically alter the landscape to suit their own needs, similar to humans.

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