Written by AV's Intern Team


AV's Intern Team

Every year, Appalachian Voices is fortunate to assemble a phenomenal team of rockstar interns from numerous Appalachian and East Coast universities. Enjoy these posts from our interns.


Leave it to Beavers

Beavers are sometimes called “nature’s engineers,” and for good reason. By building lodges and dams as their homes, they physically alter the landscape to suit their own needs, similar to humans.

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The Science and Synergy of Trailbuilding

Building trails involves the science of physical, social and ecological sustainability and the synergy between trailbuilding and conservation. Well-built trails can look accidental but will withstand the ages and the elements.

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Coal Ash Storage and Cleanup Problems Continue Across the Southeast

Across the Southeast, problems related to the cleanup and storage of coal ash continue to plague area residents.

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Watauga County Launches Seed Library

Following other examples in Appalachia, the Watauga Seed Library was launched in Boone, N.C., on April 1. It will offer community members the chance to receive free seeds to grow in their personal or community gardens.

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Reversing Climate Change Policies

President Trump signed an executive order reversing much of the progress President Obama made towards addressing the realities of climate change. The order calls for the Environmental Protection Agency to overturn the Clean Power Plan, but it will do little to revive the struggling coal industry.

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Mine Safety, Water Quality Targeted in West Virginia Bills

Bills before the West Virginia legislature threaten to diminish mine safety and water quality protections. The measures were proposed by industry groups.

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Retired Miners Face Possible Loss of Benefits

Retired coal miners face possible loss of benefits, a Duke University study reveals coal ash byproducts in area fish, The U.S. State Department approves the Keystone XL pipeline and other shorts from The Energy Report.

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Two N.C. Counties Make Energy Efficiency History

Two North Carolina counties — Yancey and Mitchell — have become the first in the nation to pass resolutions supporting the development of an “on-bill financing” program for energy efficiency improvements by their electric utility.

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Get Out the Sunscreen: Solar is Coming to Southwest Virginia

In early May, Appalachian Voices will co-sponsor two events to help usher solar energy into Southwest Virginia: the Southwest Virginia Solar fair on May 9 and the Southwest Virginia Economic Forum on May 10.

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Gathering Voices Against the Pipelines

Add your voice to the call to block more fracked gas pipelines from criss-crossing our region!

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