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Blue Ridge Energy’s solar policies among the worst in Southeast

A new report shows that Blue Ride Energy has some of the worst solar policies in the Southeast. That’s why we created a petition calling on Blue Ridge to support solar access and increase the cooperative’s transparency with its member-owners.


Revitalizing Ouachita: How One Electric Co-op is Moving Forward

General manager w solar panels

Ouachita Electric Cooperative in Arkansas offers programs that make energy efficiency and high-speed internet accessible and affordable, and is using solar to help grow the local economy and save money. If Ouachita can do it, what’s stopping other electric co-ops from following suit?


Blue Ridge Energy’s solar policies among the worst in Southeast

A new interactive website launched this week by the Southern Environmental Law Center highlights Blue Ridge Energy electric cooperative as having one of the worst solar energy policies of all electric utilities throughout the Southeast. The website, “Rates of Solar,”


High Country energy contest winner receives home upgrades

Amy Cook heat pump

Amy Cook of Boone, N.C., recently received energy-saving home improvements through our High Country Home Energy Makeover Contest. The contest highlighted the need for affordable weatherization programs.


While the nation celebrates Energy Efficiency Day, N.C.’s High Country residents left out in the cold

Boone, N.C. — Residents, businesses, local and state governments, electric utilities and others all across the United States will celebrate October 5th as National Energy Efficiency Day. Proclaimed a national day of recognition in 2016 as part of a bigger


PVEC member voices need to be heard on Sept. 15

Powell Valley Electric Cooperative’s annual meeting is coming up — and now, more than ever, member voices need to be heard.


Rural Residents Face Greater Energy Costs than National Average

chart showing energy burden by region and demographic

A new report found that rural households spend much more on energy costs than urban households and that some groups such as renters, elderly residents and non-white residents are hit particularly hard.


TVA Eliminating Energy Efficiency Rebates

Funds for the Tennessee Valley Authority’s eScore, which offered rebates to customers who installed energy efficiency upgrades, will be redirected to programs assisting low-income families in Nashville and Memphis.


The burden of rural home energy costs

chart showing energy burden by region and demographic

Rural households spend 40% more of their income on energy costs than households in metropolitan areas, according to a new report. Our executive director explains how rural electric cooperatives could help families alleviate that burden through energy efficiency.


How can TVA claim to support energy efficiency and renewables even as they implement policies that discourage them?

TVA is using its already-obsolete 2020 Integrated Resource Plan as an opportunity to cut funding for energy-saving technologies that it claims are driving down revenue.


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