Written by AV's Intern Team


AV's Intern Team

Every year, Appalachian Voices is fortunate to assemble a phenomenal team of rockstar interns from numerous Appalachian and East Coast universities. Enjoy these posts from our interns.

Cleaning Up A Mess: Coal Ash Across Appalachia

Appalachian states are burdened by millions of tons of toxic coal ash. Without firm federal standards, it’s up to states to determine much of the cleanup process — and regional states are taking varying approaches.

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Trailbuilding: Forging New Paths

Trail advocates in Pound, Va., Elizabethton, Tenn., and Wyoming County, W.Va., are working with community members and partners to develop new hiking paths.

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Growing Up Appalachian

The next generation is overcoming barriers to achieve…

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Mistaken Identity: Recognizing the northern water snake

The non-venomous northern water snake is frequently spotted at swimming holes and rivers in Appalachia — and sometimes mistaken for its venomous cousin, the copperhead.

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Teri Crawford Brown- Conservation Starts at Home

Teri Crawford Brown, a volunteer distributor of The Appalachian Voice, and her husband have transformed a century-old church into a welcoming home and repurposed salvaged materials in the process.

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Vermicompost: Let earthworms green your kitchen

Vermicomposting relies on earthworms to turn kitchen scraps into a rich soil amendment more quickly and with less odor than conventional composting methods.

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polling place

Voter Turnout in the Mountains

Voter turnout for presidential elections has been consistently lower in Appalachia than in the rest of the nation since at least 2004, according to scholars.

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Burning Southern Forests to Fuel Europe

The global push for “green” energy has led to clearcutting across the Southeast, where forests are being harvested to fuel Europe’s — and particularly the United Kingdom’s — push to use alternative fuels.

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Fueling Cars with Plants- A test case in North Carolina

Though biofuels are most common in the Midwest, the state of North Carolina delved into biofuels research in 2007 before slowing research in 2013. Thus far, the venture hasn’t yielded much success.

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Rebuilding Continues in Wake of Devastating West Virginia Floods

Extreme flooding in West Virginia killed 23 people and caused immense damage to roads, businesses and houses. Rebuilding continues after this thousand-year event.

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