Written by AV's Intern Team


AV's Intern Team

Every year, Appalachian Voices is fortunate to assemble a phenomenal team of rockstar interns from numerous Appalachian and East Coast universities. Enjoy these posts from our interns.

Interns at the New Beginnings camp meet in the afternoons to plan for upcoming days and discuss how to resolve conflicts between campers. Photo by Kimber Ray

Seeding Dreams with Self-Esteem

Through educational advancement and hands-on training, two programs strive to build new opportunities for girls and women in rural Appalachia.

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Exploring Mountain Bogs

Although mountain bogs represent less than one percent of the southern Appalachian landscape, they are pockets of immense ecological and practical importance and provide a haven for many rare plants and animals.

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Full Disclosure?

As North Carolina considers its first natural gas drilling rules, a survey of the region shows how states are — and aren’t — regulating fracking.

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Injustices Follow Elk River Chemical Spill

By Kimber Ray For many in West Virginia…

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Prevailing Politics Influence State Reactions to EPA Carbon Rule

By Brian Sewell Flexibility: it’s the foundation of…

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Bridging the Economic Divide

By Kimber Ray Main Story Building New Opportunities…

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Campuses Compete for Gold by Being Green

By Carvan Craft Who said it can’t be…

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Five Schools Switch to Landfill Gas Power

By Carvan Craft Five colleges are putting the…

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Bored to Death

By Amber Ellis Originally from eastern Russia and…

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The Case of the Shrinking Salamanders

By Amber Ellis This year marked the hottest…

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