Written by AV's Intern Team


AV's Intern Team

Every year, Appalachian Voices is fortunate to assemble a phenomenal team of rockstar interns from numerous Appalachian and East Coast universities. Enjoy these posts from our interns.

Acknowledging A Time For Transition

A friend of mine has a son who…

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A Glance at the Political Landscape of Appalachia

By Derek Speranza What is in store for…

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Natural Gas, Is it Right for Appalachia?

By Derek Speranza It’s the middle of July…

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Pond Scum Solutions: Turning Pollution Into Fuel

By Maureen Halsema The concept is simple—take one…

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Biofuels: Local Gives Way to Large Scale

By Bill Kovarik ASHEVILLE, N.C. – Melita Kyriakou…

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Communities across Appalachia strive to ensure the economic…

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“Appalachia Rising” To Rise Up in D.C.

By Jillian Randel A weekend of mobilizing will…

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Old Dominion Postpones Seeking Air Permits for Proposed VA Power Plant

By Sandra Diaz Wise Energy for Virginia coalition,…

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Stewards of the Rock

Story and Photos by Megan Naylor Bouldering is…

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Hints of Autumn on Falls Branch Trail

Written by Lesley Eaton In the left hand…

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