Written by Molly Moore


Molly Moore

Molly is passionate about sharing the environmental and cultural stories of our region. She has worked with Appalachian Voices since 2011 and currently serves as AV's Director of Program Communications and Editor of The Appalachian Voice publication.

Virginia Doctor Wins Award for Work With Mobile Care Clinic

Dr. Joseph Smiddy was recognized as an Unsung Hero for his work with The Health Wagon, a nonprofit mobile clinic in Southwest Virginia.

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Kentucky Tourism Experiences Strongest Growth in 10 Years

In 2015, travel and tourism contributed $13.7 billion to Kentucky’s economy, the greatest impact in ten years.

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Region experienced wider, more intense forest fires this spring

Forest fires in North Carolina, Tennessee and Virginia were more intense than usual this spring, resulting in the temporary closure of several sections of the Appalachian Trail.

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RECLAIMing Central Appalachia

From The Appalachian Voice: A rare bipartisan proposal aims to tackle two pressing issues related to the flailing coal industry — the need for new economic opportunities in central Appalachia and repairing environmental damage from decades of mining.

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What’s Coming Down the Natural Gas Pipeline?

Fracked from the Marcellus and Utica Shale formations, a surplus of natural gas could surge into Virginia and North Carolina if new pipelines and infrastructure projects are approved. Citizens and economic experts are raising questions about how steep a toll — both financially and environmentally — these investments in natural gas will take.

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Power of Cooperation: Co-ops put solar on rooftops

By banding together in solar cooperatives, residents are negotiating better prices for home solar installations, supporting each other through the process, and becoming more empowered solar advocates.

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RECLAIMing Central Appalachia

A rare bipartisan proposal aims to tackle two pressing issues related to the flailing coal industry — the need for new economic opportunities in central Appalachia and repairing environmental damage from decades of mining.

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Industrial Hemp Offers Hope to Appalachia’s Farmers and Environment

Virginia farmers will soon be able to grow hemp for industrial purposes — albeit with restrictions. Industrial hemp farming is also being explored to varying degrees in Kentucky, West Virginia, Tennessee and North Carolina.

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Service, Music and Community at Appalachian South Folklife Center

The Appalachian South Folklife Center in southern West Virginia has weathered many storms over the past half century, yet continues to provide help to residents in need, education for youth, and a safe harbor for activists.

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States Consider Cuts to Mine Safety, Coal Taxes

Legislation in Kentucky, West Virginia and Virginia related to mine safety laws and coal taxation policies is showing how far Appalachian lawmakers will go in attempts to sustain the ailing industry.

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