Written by AV's Intern Team


AV's Intern Team

Every year, Appalachian Voices is fortunate to assemble a phenomenal team of rockstar interns from numerous Appalachian and East Coast universities. Enjoy these posts from our interns.

Pushing for a Real Energy Plan in N.C.

We are standing with citizens from across North Carolina advocating for a strong state Clean Power Plan at public hearings and through outreach to state decision-makers

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Bringing Citizen Voices to the U.S. Senate

Armed with a wealth of science and quotes from residents directly impacted by mountaintop removal coal mining, our Director of Programs Matt Wasson defended the proposed Stream Protection Rule during a U.S. Senate committee hearing.

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Appalachian Voices Opens Southwest Virginia Office

Stop by and say hi at our new office in Norton, Va.

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N.C. Citizens Affected By Coal Ash Speak Out

North Carolinians affected by coal ash formed the Alliance of Carolinians Together (ACT) Against Coal Ash statewide coalition, and we’ve been joining the new organization at events across the state.

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Kentucky Resident Challenges Coal Company’s Right to Mine

Not On My Land By Tarence Ray For…

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Federal agency considers restricting surface mining in Tennessee

Ridgeline corridors across a 67,000-acre area of Tennessee could be protected from surface mining. The U.S. Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement is considering granting the state’s request for a ban. Submit your comment in support of the Cumberland Mountains before Jan. 25!

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Out of Frame: Regional Stereotypes in Photography

By Lou Murrey Earlier this year, a photo…

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West Virginia Communities Still at Risk Despite Idled Mines

West Virginia communities, including Naoma and Sundial are still dealing with problems related to mountaintop removal coal mining. Toxic coal slurry impoundments, increased blasting and diminished water quality are among the challenges facing such communities at risk.

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Powering Up: Diversifying central Appalachia’s economy

As coal production continues to decline, many citizens and groups in Central Appalachia are working hard to find new avenues for economic diversification.

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Sumac: A Winter Spice

The bright red berries of the sumac plant add color to the winter landscape. While poison sumac has earned a bad reputation, other varieties of the plant have a long and multicultural history of use, including as a spice and as a dye or tanning agent.

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