Water Crisis in West Virginia
Other Top Stories From February/March 2014
Handing Off and Holding On: Melungeon Identity and Appalachia
By Kimber Ray Attempting to trace the origin of the Melungeon people is akin to pursuing the…
Mountaintop Removal Masquerade
Opponents of Proposed Surface Mine Highway Push for Environmental Review By Molly Moore Tim Mullins recalls what…
Appalachian Bookshelf
The Forest Unseen: A Year’s Watch in Nature By David George Haskell In a circle of Cumberland…
Whitewashing Reality: Diversity in Appalachia
By Rachel Ellen Simon The United States may be thought of as the good ol’ “Red, White,…
Adam Hall: A Defender of West Virginia
By Kimber Ray Depressed towns and waters laced with toxic chemicals have been handed down to West…
An Unforgettable Lesson, Forgotten
Just after midnight, a thunderous swell of sound peeled apart the silence that had settled onto Harriman, Tenn. A mountain of black coal ash — the waste byproduct of burning coal — descended upon the surrounding neighborhood, snapping trees and ripping three homes from their foundations.