An Eventful Fall at Appalachian Voices

We’ve filed a lawsuit against an unlawful coal mine in West Virginia, co-hosted a summit of landowners in the path of the MVP Southgate Pipeline, called out Virginia Gov. Northam for his egregious dismissal of two air board members during the board’s deliberations, and more.

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Expired mining permit poses risks to Coal River Mountain and surrounding communities

area at risk of mining, shown near adjacent mountaintop removal mine

Contact: Sumer Shaikh, Erin Savage,, 206-769-8286 Vernon Haltom,, 304-952-4610 CHARLESTON, W.Va. – Today, a coalition of groups filed a federal lawsuit against mining company Republic Energy seeking to halt unlawful coal mining activities in Raleigh County, W.V. Republic Energy is mining one of the only remaining intact ridges on the heavily mined…

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Federal court vacates key permit in W. Va. for Mountain Valley Pipeline

Today, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit vacated the Army Corps of Engineers’ verification that the Mountain Valley Pipeline project can be certified under a general permit, Nationwide Permit 12, instead of an individual permit for large portions of its route in West Virginia. The decision is a victory for pipeline opponents,…

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