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Citizens, public interest group denounce TVA’s proposed new fee

Chattanooga, TN – Nearly 40 people attended today’s Tennessee Valley Authority Board meeting to speak out against TVA’s plans to change the way it charges local power companies for energy. Many speakers argued that the “New Pricing Paradigm,” as TVA


TVA Blows Off Wind Project

The Tennessee Valley Authority backed away from a project that would have transmitted wind-generated energy from Oklahoma and Texas into the Southeast.


Kingston Coal Plant Awaits New Wastewater Permit

The Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation is considering a draft wastewater permit for the Kingston Fossil Plant that wouldn’t enforce federal guidelines on pollutants until 2023.


A Burning Issue: The Health Costs of Coal Ash

David Hairston

Coal ash has been linked to a number of health problems, and community concerns have spurred researchers from the University of North Carolina to investigate drinking water wells in the state.


Opposition to Potential Nuclear Reactors in Tennessee

The Tennessee Valley Authority is seeking an early permit for modular nuclear reactors in Roane County, Tenn.


Regional Coal Ash News

Community and environmental groups in North Carolina, Virginia and Tennessee continue to push for clean up of the coal ash in their areas and for access to clean water provided.


Gathering Communities in East Tennessee

Throughout August, Appalachian Voices worked with community members in East Tennessee to find ways to expand energy efficiency programs in their area.


O’ TVA where art thou?

The Tennessee Valley Authority was created in the 1930s to bring cheap electricity to the most rural reaches of the Tennessee River valley. Almost a century later, many residents are struggling to pay electric bills that can be hundreds of dollars a month for their modest homes. Utility-sponsored financing to help with energy-efficiency improvements would go a long way.


Knoxville Homes Get an Energy Makeover

The Knoxville Extreme Energy Makeover project is working to weatherize 1,278 homes by September 2017. They aim to reduce energy spending by at least 25 percent for each home weatherized.


Weatherizing Tennessee homes gets results

TVA is delivering millions of dollars in grants to communities in East Tennessee to start programs to help families weatherize their homes so they can stay warmer in the winter and cooler in the summer while saving money on their electric bill. People like Dorothy Ware of Knoxville.


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