Blog Archives

TVA Eliminating Energy Efficiency Rebates

Funds for the Tennessee Valley Authority’s eScore, which offered rebates to customers who installed energy efficiency upgrades, will be redirected to programs assisting low-income families in Nashville and Memphis.


How can TVA claim to support energy efficiency and renewables even as they implement policies that discourage them?

TVA is using its already-obsolete 2020 Integrated Resource Plan as an opportunity to cut funding for energy-saving technologies that it claims are driving down revenue.


Tennessee Valley Authority Changes Rate Structure, Adds New Charge

TVA reduced wholesale power rates but added a new grid access charge, which could disproportionately affect low-income families and small businesses.


New TVA rate structure likely to harm low-income families

TVA’s new “Grid Access Charge” will reduce both local power companies’ and end users’ ability to control their monthly energy costs.


New TVA rate structure likely to harm low-income families

TVA’s Board of Directors voted to implement a rate change that will disproportionately burden low-income residential ratepayers and will discourage investments in energy efficiency and renewables.


Small Alabama town struggles for environmental justice

Our friends down in Alabama, the Black Belt Citizens for Health and Justice, have hit a setback in their fight for environmental justice and could use support.


Six lives a day: Energy efficiency could result in tremendous public health benefits

A recent report by the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy highlights why energy efficiency should be a key part of the conversation about public health.


TVA’s “New Pricing Paradigm” is a bad deal for communities and clean energy

Appalachian Voices attended TVA’s February board meeting to oppose rate reforms that would burden on low-income residents and thwart future investments in clean energy.


Citizens, public interest group denounce TVA’s proposed new fee

Chattanooga, TN – Nearly 40 people attended today’s Tennessee Valley Authority Board meeting to speak out against TVA’s plans to change the way it charges local power companies for energy. Many speakers argued that the “New Pricing Paradigm,” as TVA


TVA Blows Off Wind Project

The Tennessee Valley Authority backed away from a project that would have transmitted wind-generated energy from Oklahoma and Texas into the Southeast.


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