Appalachian Power’s solar customers rise and shine for clean energy

IMG_6454No one is more vocal about the need for Appalachian Power Company to invest in solar than those who already have: customers with their own solar arrays. But Virginians who produce their own energy are just part of a larger group of APCo customers demanding their utility expand its energy efficiency programs, encourage residential solar and take advantage of other opportunities to increase clean energy.

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Knoxville: “The Sustainable City”

By Nolen Nychay Knoxville, Tenn. ranks second in the nation for growth in green jobs and is one of only a handful of American cities to have fully bounced back from the economic recession, according to a recent Brookings Institute report. Since 2006, the city has reduced carbon emissions by 17 percent, and under Mayor…

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Working Together for a Clean Energy Future in Virginia

I’ve been thinking a lot about the future lately. Our family has a set of newborn twins expected home from the hospital within another week or two, and it’s funny how babies simultaneously awaken you to the present moment and highlight the importance of preparing well for the coming decades and beyond. Kids transform the…

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