Our air. Our lives.

Hundreds of Virginians voiced their concerns this summer about a massive fracked gas compressor station proposed in the heart of Virginia as part of the risky Atlantic Coast Pipeline. Some of them have everything at stake — their health, home and heritage as part of the historic African-American community of Union Hill.

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Mountain Valley Pipeline Sparks Anger

Tree-sit in path of Mountain Valley Pipeline

Pipeline construction crews have upset residents along Mountain Valley’s route by logging near tree-sitters, ignoring a state-issued temporary work suspension and accidentally pelting a family with erosion control pellets.

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Court order suspends Mountain Valley Pipeline construction in W.Va.

RICHMOND, VA — Today, the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals granted a stay of a crucial permit that the fracked-gas Mountain Valley Pipeline (MVP) needs to build across waterways in West Virginia. Under section 404 of the Clean Water Act, the Army Corps of Engineers issued a permit for the pipeline’s stream crossings that allows…

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Rising resistance to pipelines

a tree sit on Peters Mountain

Resistance to the fracked-gas Mountain Valley and Atlantic Coast pipelines is growing, crossing all sorts of divides. Government agencies and officials supporting the projects are on the wrong side of history.

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