Democracy 24/7/365

Our democratic responsibility should not be confined just to voting on Election Day. We have opportunities throughout the year to participate; whether it’s speaking before our town council, meeting with our congressional representatives, writing a letter-to-the-editor, attending a rally or signing an online petition, each action represents a voice or idea that would otherwise not be heard.

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Controversy Shrouds Coal Ash Cleanup

In March, the N.C. Dept. of Environmental Quality held hearings across the state to solicit stakeholder comments on the cleanup plans for North Carolina’s 33 Duke Energy coal ash impoundments. The state also lifted do-not-drink warnings from households with contaminated wells near coal ash ponds.

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Citizens Show Strength at NC Coal Ash Hearings

Throughout the month of March, the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality held a series of public hearings to gather input on cleanup of the state’s nearly 150 tons of coal ash. Our team worked with local residents to drive high attendance and call for stronger cleanup plans.

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Citizen Scientists Tackle Climate Change

Across the region, volunteers from all walks of life are recording when the dogwood blooms and when the warblers arrive. These citizen scientists are compiling observations that help researchers monitor subtle changes in seasonal events, and provide the backbone for extensive projects to track climate change.

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