Trek to the Top of Mt. Cammerer

Enjoy a strenuous 11-mile hike to the top of Mt. Cammerer, located in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. The hike culminates with a view of the Pigeon River Gorge 3,000 feet below and the opportunity to stroll around the catwalk of the historic fire tower at Mt. Cammerer’s peak.

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Good Ole Rocky Top: Trail Repair in the Smokies

By Davis Wax Leaving I-40 South near Newport, Tenn., heading down Cosby Highway, I slowed down and leaned forward over the steering wheel, watching as the late September sky disappeared behind undulations of green and blue earth. The Great Smoky Mountains loomed ahead, as did my next adventure on the Appalachian Trail, a footpath —…

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A Story of Perseverence

Hiker Overcomes Medical Condition to Complete Final Leg of AT By Molly Moore Exploring the mountains wasn’t a part of Kenneth Bordwell’s childhood in Dayton, Ohio. His father read news clippings about Grandma Gatewood, a remarkable woman from southeast Ohio who hiked the Appalachian Trail from Georgia to Maine three times, but Bordwell didn’t step…

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The Appalachian Trail

Story by Bill Kovarik This winter, as three million enthusiasts check their gear and prepare for spring on the Appalachian Trail, they’ll be happy to know that more protection and an expanded trail network are on the way. Also on the way is a better understanding of the trail’s problems through the AT Mega-Transect project.…

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