Trump’s War on Reality

White House

Special column adapted from the Front Porch Blog: Trump’s administration has set a dangerous precedent of relying on dishonesty and alternative facts instead of addressing the scientific truths behind coal and climate change.

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Seeking Opportunities in Solar Energy

Solar panels being installed

Solar energy is on the rise across the nation. According to The Solar Foundation, a nonprofit organization dedicated to advancing solar energy, “one out of every 50 new jobs added in the United States in 2016 was created by the solar industry.” Restrictive policies and lower population density, however, have led to solar power being…

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Former Coal Company Town Integrates Energy Efficiency and Solar

By Dan Radmacher Powering a coal museum with solar panels is the kind of news story that attracts attention, as the city of Benham, Ky., discovered. “It’s put us on the map internationally,” says former Benham Power Board chairman Roy Silver of the decision to install solar panels on top of the Kentucky Coal Museum,…

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