Well, that was quick

davidvitterIt was only a matter of time before the new Congress would commence with its anti-environmental, anti-science agenda. But 24 hours? That we weren’t expecting.

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Fracking and pipelines threaten Appalachia

fracking_well_by_terry_wild_lesscroppedThe natural gas industry has overwhelmed scores of communities across the country, building miles of new pipelines and erecting huge drilling rigs. Appalachian Voices today launched web pages about efforts to open North Carolina to fracking and proposals to build natural gas pipelines through several Appalachian states, and the growing citizen movement to shift to cleaner energy.

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Fighting Mountaintop Removal During the Obama Years

MTR_ky2013 From The Appalachian Voice: In 2009, representatives of the new Obama administration said that “the administration will do what the science calls for.” In Appalachia, the science calls for an end to mountaintop removal coal mining. But six years later, mountaintop removal is still happening.

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EPA finalizes long-awaited coal ash regulations

The day we’ve been waiting for has finally come. No, not Friday — the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to release its long-awaited coal ash rule. But, as expected, the EPA’s new rule does not go far enough to truly fix the major pollution problems associated with coal ash including contamination of waterways and drinking water supplies.

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Exposed: Mountaintop Removal Coal Mining

Nearly 650 mountaintop removal coal mining sites scar the landscape of central Appalachia. Neighboring communities experience greater levels of air and water pollution and suffer from higher rates of illness than similar communities located further away, says Dr. Michael Hendryx, a professor of applied health science at Indiana University who has contributed to more than…

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Hey North Carolina, New York just banned fracking

Greener-Fracking_jpg_800x1000_q100New York’s debate over whether or not to allow fracking came to a close today when Gov. Andrew Cuomo sided with the state’s top public health and environmental officials in calling for a ban on the practice. The announcement was exceptional for the much-needed truth it inserts into the fracking fight that could, just maybe, help other states come to their senses.

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