Written by Erin Savage


Erin Savage

While Erin prefers to be on rivers rather than at a desk, as our Central Appalachian Program Manager she devotes a lot of time delving through data to make it meaningful to others who care about the health of our waterways.

No time to waste averting another coal mine cleanup crisis

Regulators are ignoring a growing crisis unfolding in modern mine reclamation. Coal companies are often failing to complete timely reclamation, and safeguards to ensure mine cleanup are failing. Communities are already seeing a new, more devastating wave of abandoned mines — a problem that will get worse without action.

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Photograph of the Hobet mine taken during a 10-day notice inspection.

How a proposed rule can help communities hold coal companies accountable

The federal surface mining agency has proposed a new rule that, if finalized, will restore community members’ ability to ensure coal companies follow the law.

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Congress considers bills to address coal mining impacts at June hearing

During a recent U.S. House Natural Resources subcommittee hearing, Erin Savage of Appalachian Voices and two other Appalachian residents testified about acid mine drainage, abandoned mine sites and the impacts of ongoing mountaintop removal coal mining.

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valley fill

Tell White House officials that coal mine cleanup must be a priority

Insufficient bonding systems and decades of poor enforcement of mine reclamation law have led to a severe backlog in abandoned mines — and a new wave of coal bankruptcies is exacerbating the problem.

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Collapse of the coal industry: Problems and recommendations

Coal mine regulations have not kept up with the industry’s collapse, leaving regulators without the money – or the legal tools – to address growing problems of scarred landscapes and polluted waters.

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Google Earth teams up with Appalachian Voices

Appalachian Voices teamed up with Google Earth on a video to show how the search engine’s satellite imagery helps us protect the environment.

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view of disturbed mine land at Hobet Mine

“Environmentalist” Tom Clarke abandons mines in West Virginia

With the failure of coal operator ERP’s unconventional scheme, West Virginia must contend with the company’s environmental violations and mines in need of cleanup.

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black lung demonstration

Progress on healthcare for miners with black lung disease

Congress reinstated a tax to fund healthcare and benefits for miners with black lung and their families for 2020 — but further action is needed to extend the tax and support the fund for 10 years.

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The Unresolved Problem of Abandoned Mine Lands

The cost of reclaiming abandoned mine lands is massive, but the fee that funds cleanup is set to expire in 2021 unless Congress extends it.

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A decision point for abandoned coal mines

An accurate inventory of abandoned coal mine lands is imperative for understanding the scope of the problem, where funding needs to be directed, and how much funding is necessary.

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