Looking on the bright side, states seek solar benefits

U.S. jobs grew nearly 20 times faster in the solar industry than the whole economy’s national average, reports The Solar Foundation, and some southeastern states are catching the rays of the burgeoning industry with policies encouraging growth in both privately-owned and utility-scale solar.

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Be cool and keep fighting

15339824261_284508c1c6_hFor the next couple of days, you’ll have a hard time looking at anything online or on TV that doesn’t try to break down the midterm elections. Most pundits will analyze what happened, and some will try to tell you what it all means. Whatever that is, the job before us has not changed, and our responsibilities to Appalachia are the same today as they were yesterday and will be tomorrow.

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Energy efficiency at the forefront of cooperative principles in Tennessee

Through concerted outreach to East Tennessee electric co-ops and local stakeholders, Appalachian Voices played a key part in making a recent statewide energy efficiency retreat happen. We’re excited by the prospect of a statewide energy efficiency financing program in Tennessee, and we remain committed by doing everything we can to see it become successful in the near future.

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Exploring Mountain Bogs

Although mountain bogs represent less than one percent of the southern Appalachian landscape, they are pockets of immense ecological and practical importance and provide a haven for many rare plants and animals.

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Bored to Death

By Amber Ellis Originally from eastern Russia and northeastern Asia, the emerald ash borer found its way to southeastern Michigan through infested cargo ships in 2002 and quickly became North America’s most destructive forest pest. Since then, the invasive beetle has plagued forests in 22 states, including most of Appalachia and, as of June, five…

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New Moth Named to Honor Cherokee

The Cherokeea attakullakulla now boasts a name of high distinction. A researcher first described the moth in the 1950s, but it was not until this summer that a team of scientists published a report recognizing it as an unidentified species native to North Carolina and Tennessee. Once a nameless moth drifting through Appalachia, its name…

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