Bill and Lynn Limpert

Bill and Lynn Limpert by tree

When Bill and Lynn Limpert retired on 120 acres of rugged Virginia mountains, they never thought they would have to fight against Atlantic Coast Pipeline developers seeking to cut down their old-growth trees.

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Holding Pipeline Profiteers Accountable

sign in front of house

SPECIAL COLUMN: The fossil fuel industry and monopoly utilities, and their political abettors, will not turn easily from their money-making course. We citizens must continue to call them out, hold them accountable, and push hard for a future that is economically and socially just, and environmentally sustainable.

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Coalition sues Va. water board over Atlantic Coast Pipeline

Richmond, VA –A coalition of community and conservation groups, including Appalachian Voices, late yesterday filed a legal challenge in federal court of the Virginia State Water Control Board’s approval in December of a water quality certification for the proposed Atlantic Coast Pipeline. While the board’s decision postponed the effectiveness of the certification pending completion of…

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Citizens groups applaud legislation on natural gas pipelines introduced by Southwest Virginia lawmakers

Three legislators from Southwest Virginia have introduced several bills in the 2018 General Assembly aimed at protecting water quality and landowner rights from the construction of fracked-gas pipelines, such as the proposed Mountain Valley and Atlantic Coast pipelines. The bills would require the Department of Environmental Quality to perform robust water permitting and impact review,…

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Despite vigorous opposition, Virginia water board approves conditional permit for Atlantic Coast Pipeline

CONTACT: Cat McCue, Director of Communications, 434-293-6373, Peter Anderson, Virginia Program Manager, 434-293-6373, The Virginia State Water Control Board today approved a heavily amended certification for the proposed fracked-gas Atlantic Coast Pipeline that is conditional on getting outstanding information from state regulators about the project’s impacts to water quality. The board voted 4-3…

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Groups challenge Virginia’s unlawful approval of fracked-gas Mountain Valley Pipeline

Contact: Ben Luckett, 859.552.6979, Derek Teaney, 304.793.9007, Peter Anderson, 434-293-6373, Doug Jackson, 202.495.3045 or Mike Tidwell, 240-460-5838, RICHMOND, VA — A coalition of environmental groups today filed a petition for review with the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit to overturn Virginia’s unlawful approval yesterday of the…

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Virginia Water Control Board ignores citizen concerns, expert comments and approves controversial Mountain Valley Pipeline


CONTACT: Cat McCue, Appalachian Voices, 434-953-8672, Roberta Bondurant, Protect Our Water, Heritage, Rights, 540-793-4769, Today, the State Water Control Board approved the permit for the proposed fracked-gas Mountain Valley Pipeline that would run 300 miles from West Virginia through six counties of Virginia. The 5-2 vote came after a full day of public…

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