Groups in two states challenge WB XPress

Contact: Ben Luckett, Appalachian Mountain Advocates, 304-645-0125, Kate Rooth, Appalachian Voices, 804-536-5598, Anne Havemann, Chesapeake Climate Action Network, 240-396-1984, Kirk Bowers, Virginia Chapter, Sierra Club, 434-296-8673, On behalf of conservation groups in Virginia and West Virginia, Appalachian Mountain Advocates today filed a formal protest and motion to intervene in the Federal…

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“MVP” is not a most valued project

tinabadgercroppedOpposition is mounting to the proposed Mountain Valley Pipeline that would carry highly pressurized natural gas for 300 miles through farms and forests from W.Va. to Va. Several counties have taken action to oppose or question the project, and citizens all along the route are making their voices heard. Guest blogger Tina Badger is one.

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