“I am a coal miner’s daughter so we do not hate coal miners”

The following is from Kathy Selvage, Board member of Appalachian Voices and Southern Appalachian Mountain Stewards, originally posted on Blue Ridge Virginiafollowing a pro-coal rally in Washington D.C., which preceded the Appalachian Rising conference in September. These are Kathy’s thoughts after she spoke with her federal representatives about the issue: The industry and busloads of…

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Busting Big Coal-Legal Action Initiated Today

The WaterWatch team at Appalachian Voices has teamed up with organizations and legal groups to launch legal action against three coal mining companies for violations of the Clean Water Act. Unbelievable in this day and age, I thought, when my assistant, Eric Chance, and I researched discharge monitoring reports from Kentucky and discovered potential instances…

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Appalachia rises up at rally in D.C.!

“The people! United! Will never be defeated!” … “Hay hay ho ho MTR has got to go” … “Do your job, EPA!” Hundreds of protesters marched the streets of Washington, D.C., yesterday to protest mountaintop removal coal mining practices. Participants of Appalachia Rising, a weekend-long conference on citizen lobbying, civil disobedience, and the ins and…

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Rahall: Protecting Appalachians Is Harming National Security

A set of so-called “pro-coal” Representatives have introduced HR 6113 to prove that they care more about Don Blankenship’s approval than their constituents’ health. This bill asserts that Obama’s EPA threatens national security. Continuing their march to ignore evidence, make stuff up, and push for an entirely rampant and unregulated coal industry, coal-bound legislators have…

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Appalachia will rise again this weekend!

Rising Up for Appalachia! This coming weekend, September 25-28, the Appalachian Voices crew will be traveling to Washington D.C. for the Appalachia Rising: Voices from the Mountains conference. The weekend workshops will be educational, focusing on issues such as: mountaintop removal, coal ash, coal-fired power plants, citizen lobbying, climate change, resource extraction, corporate campaigns, organizing…

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FARCES of Coal: World 2 – Luke Popovich 0

The FArCES of Coal are here for YOU, Candlestick Makers of America One of my favorite people to see quoted in the news is the ever-dour NMA mouthpiece Luke Popovich. This guy has a simple job description which reads “Say whatever the coal industry tells you to say.” They even make up the numbers and…

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Update: Nike has graciously removed the horrific images of mountaintop removal from their WVU page. While I still think that West Virginia University has some serious questions to answer regarding its identity and coal, Nike is to be applauded for respecting the concerns raised by citizens directly impacted by mountaintop removal. ——— Nike Rolls Out…

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Letters to the Editor

Appalachian Voice welcomes letters to the editor and comments on our website. We run as many letters as possible, space permitting. The views expressed in these letters, and in personal editor responses, are the opinions of the authors and are not necessarily the views of the organization Appalachian Voices. Write to editor@appvoices.org. Mountaintop Removal –…

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