The reclamation myth, it’s still happening too

4614774906_888ebf4231_bCompanies are still using mountaintop removal, blowing up mountains in Appalachia to mine coal. But despite what some say, they are not putting them back together again. Until the Obama administration and Congress take serious action, no amount of reclamation is going to fix the problems the mining is leaving behind.

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Mountaintop removal is the 800-pound gorilla at the SOAR Health Impact Series

SOARHealthMountaintop removal’s health impacts were the number one concern of eastern Kentuckians that participated in the SOAR Health Impact Series, but the topic was barely addressed at a recent SOAR gathering in Hazard. If they hope to soar beyond political rhetoric, Rep. Hal Rogers and Gov. Steve Beshear must take those concerns seriously, and support more research into the connections between mountaintop removal and health.

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Ky. Proposes Updates to Coal General Permit

By Brian Sewell New permitting rules could have far-reaching implications for Kentucky coal mines, processing facilities and the streams that carry away their waste. The state’s “general permit,” which is updated every five years, is available to coal companies seeking pollution discharge permits judged to have a lesser environmental impact than larger operations. Currently, pollution…

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An activist is born

An Appalachian Voices intern attends her first-ever environmental rally and finds a sense of belonging among other advocates calling for clean energy and climate action. “It’s one thing to wear the pins and stickers; it’s another thing to feel empowered by your peers to take action and work towards a common goal,” Marissa Wheeler writes.

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Is Obama’s Climate Action Plan on Track?

Picture-9Since the release of his administration’s Climate Action Plan in June 2013, has Obama made strides in developing a clean energy economy and protecting the environment? Let’s take a look at his five-pronged approach to address climate change.

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What do Duke Energy and a messy teenager have in common?

Gfp-messy-couchDuke Energy has spent six months cleaning up its Dan River coal spill, the third worst in U.S. history, and got a whopping six percent removed. And now it says the job is done. North Carolinians should not accept this — no less than most parents accept their teenagers’ excuses to clean up their rooms.

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