Blog Archives

Feature item #6 for the Voice front page (2020)

Special Sections Along the Appalachian Trail

A waterfall cascades over rocks down a forested hillside.

We asked folks which sections of the Appalachian Trail are their favorites, and here’s what we found!


Black Lung Resurgence Drives Push to Protect Coal Miners Against Silica Dust

Silica dust is behind a dramatic increase in the number of miners becoming ill with the most severe form of black lung disease.


The Tennessee Valley Faces Crossroads Between Methane Gas or Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency

Under TVA's plan, smokestacks at the Cumberland Fossil Plant would continue to spew pollution into the air. Photo by Angie Mummaw

The Tennessee Valley Authority’s plan to transition away from coal has generated significant push-back from environmental and community groups because of its reliance on methane gas instead of renewable energy.


The Beast of Bristol: The Landfill Haunting Residents of the Twin Cities

two people in front of a large guitar statue hold signs about the landfill problems

Terrible, persistent smells from the Bristol landfill have put a damper on quality of life for residents of the Twin Cities. Officials acknowledge the problem, but there’s no clear path forward.


Member Spotlight: Russ Moxley

Russ Moxley

River Enthusiast Joins the Appalachian Voices Board


A Backyard Pollinator Paradise

butterfly on echinacea

Tips to make your yard a haven for colorful moths, hummingbirds and more.


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