The Appalachian Voice
In the Pipelines’ Paths: Environmental damages to special places
Both the Atlantic Coast and Mountain Valley Pipelines threaten to damage historic and scenic sites along their paths through West Virginia, Virginia and North Carolina. Places such as Bent Mountain and Peters Mountain could be permanently scared, while parts of the Appalachian Trail and the Blue Ridge Parkway could also be impacted.
Read MoreThe Science and Synergy of Trailbuilding
Building trails involves the science of physical, social and ecological sustainability and the synergy between trailbuilding and conservation. Well-built trails can look accidental but will withstand the ages and the elements.
Read MoreThe Problems with Pipelines
This map shows a sampling of the types of sites that would be affected by the proposed Mountain Valley Pipeline and Atlantic Coast Pipeline. View the print centerspread here while we transfer it to a web-friendly version.
Read MoreMember Spotlight: Susan Tyree & Kent Walton
Virginia residents Susan Tyree and Kent Walton are long-time Appalachian Voices members. They share their passion for nature through Susan’s art, Kent’s work as an arborist, and their activism with the Quaker environmental and social justice community.
Read MorePipeline Construction Would Scar Appalachian Trail Vistas
If constructed, the proposed Atlantic Coast and Mountain Valley Pipelines would permanently mar several majestic vistas along the Appalachian Trail. Local residents and avid hikers voice concerns.
Read MoreEnvironmental Votetracker — April/May 2017
How Appalachian House and Senate members voted regarding several environmental issues in February and March.
Read MorePipelines Spark Safety Concerns
While both the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration and industry groups say pipelines are the safest way to transport products like natural gas, pipeline incidents are on the rise.
Read MoreCoal Ash Storage and Cleanup Problems Continue Across the Southeast
Across the Southeast, problems related to the cleanup and storage of coal ash continue to plague area residents.
Read MoreWatauga County Launches Seed Library
Following other examples in Appalachia, the Watauga Seed Library was launched in Boone, N.C., on April 1. It will offer community members the chance to receive free seeds to grow in their personal or community gardens.
Read MoreReversing Climate Change Policies
President Trump signed an executive order reversing much of the progress President Obama made towards addressing the realities of climate change. The order calls for the Environmental Protection Agency to overturn the Clean Power Plan, but it will do little to revive the struggling coal industry.
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