Brian Sewell

Brian is an environmental news junkie concerned with our lagging energy policy and revealing the true cost of coal on our health, the environment and the climate. He is Appalachian Voices' Director of Strategic Advancement.

Blog Archives

The Appalachian Voice

A Hearty Thanks to Our Selfless Summer Interns

While we are fortunate each season to gather to us many fine interns from around the region, this summer we had a bumper crop of 12 impressive, highly qualified young minds helping us in all capacities. For our very busy

Organizational Roundup

Making Music to Support Mountaintops This August 24-26, join us at the 5th Annual Music on the Mountaintop Festival near Boone, N.C. Nestled at the foot of majestic Grandfather Mountain, this 3-day, environmentally friendly festival will feature Railroad Earth, Sam

What’s Our Water Really Worth?

As our most precious natural resource, clean drinking water, all-too-quickly becomes a scarce commodity for global communities, it is also turning into a hot commodity for multinational corporations. According to a United Nations Global Environment Outlook study, two-thirds of the

Witnessing the Transformative Power of Water

By Ryan Robinson In May I spent three days navigating the ancient Chattooga River with North Carolina Outward Bound School, an organization that has used the Chattooga for many years to help individuals develop character through challenge and self-discovery. For

“The Day Baby Brucie Died”: An Oral History of the Buffalo Creek Flood

by Betty Dotson-Lewis Author’s note: Larry Conn is a Freewill Baptist Preacher, a public school teacher in Logan County, West Virginia, and a member of a gospel singing group. The oral history of Buffalo Creek Flood survivors such as Larry

Seeds of Change Initiative to Improve Access to Local Food

The Boone, N.C.-based non-profit group Blue Ridge Women in Agriculture received a $1.1 million grant from Heifer USA to strengthen the local food system in what is known as the High Country region of North Carolina. The Seeds of Change


By The Numbers

78%: Voters nationwide who support the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s work to hold polluters accountable. 170: Votes against environmental protection in the House of Representatives since the beginning of 2011 1,048.3 million: Number of short tons of coal the U.S.


Another Nordic Revolution

By Kristian Jackson It’s 5 a.m. and outside the truck, headlights reveal driving snow squalls and drifts as high as the pickup’s hood. Our crawl up Roaring Creek Road near the Toe River of North Carolina comes to a sudden


Golden Eagles Winter in Appalachia

By Molly Moore With their deep brown bodies and gold-tinged feathery manes, golden eagles are icons of ferocity. When Americans imagine a golden eagle diving through the air with talons outstretched, they typically pair the image with a Western backdrop.


Bees Share the True Cost of Coal

By Brian Sewell Outside of Appalachia, artists who acknowledge their connection to coal have adopted the issue of mountaintop removal and taken to the road. The Beehive Collective’s True Cost of Coal illustration transforms ways of thinking as it travels


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