Front Porch Blog
Zach Galifianakis’ “Democracy for Sale” screens in North Carolina
A new documentary by Zach Galifianakis digs into how North Carolina has been transformed by the growing tidal wave of political spending. Screenings of “Democracy for Sale” will take place in numerous North Carolina towns throughout January and February.
Read MoreGov. Cooper nominates new environmental secretary
Gov. Roy Cooper has appointed Michael Regan as the next secretary of the N.C. Department of Environmental Quality. Regan pledged to develop greater transparency at the agency. That alone could signal a shift from the prior DEQ leadership’s approach to public engagement on environmental issues.
Read MoreRural electric co-ops invest in community solar
Community solar is a cooperative alternative to installing solar panels on an individual residence. Several rural electric cooperatives in Appalachia are now providing this option for their members who want to use renewable energy.
Read MoreAtlantic Coast Pipeline environmental review falls short
The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission released its draft environmental review of the $5 billion Atlantic Coast pipeline last Friday. Unfortunately, the agency ignored evidence that the proposed 600-mile pipeline, spearheaded by Dominion Resources, is not needed and puts lives, communities, drinking water and the climate at unacceptable risk.
Read MoreHappy Holidays from our family to yours
A special note from Executive Director Tom Cormons wishing you a happy holiday season and looking forward to 2017.
Read MoreMountaintop removal limited — not stopped — in Tennessee
The Obama administration has approved a petition from Tennessee to designate some 75,000 acres of mountain ridges off limits for surface coal mining. The move protects mountain streams, wildlife habitat, scenic views and eco-tourism assets of the iconic Cumberland Plateau. But other mountains in Tennessee are still threatened with mountaintop removal mining. Take action today.
Read MoreFinal Stream Protection Rule released
On Monday, the U.S. Department of the Interior released the Stream Protection Rule, which aims to protect streams from the impacts of surface and longwall mining. The final rule offers only modest improvements to protections for public waterways, but it is well worth defending from congressional attack.
Read MoreWhy is Dominion’s IRP important for Virginia’s future?
In Virginia, electric utilities providing public services are regulated to ensure that they balance reliability, sustainability, and affordability. That balancing act is what “integrated resource planning” is all about. In this blog, we dive into the recent plan from Dominion Virginia Power, the heavyweight in the state’s electric sector whose choices affect not only its customers, but virtually all of us, and our environment.
Read MoreTrouble is afoot in NC special session
After days of deflecting questions and refusing to explain their priorities for the “emergency session,” Republicans introduced a slew of bills that would make sweeping changes and dramatically shift the balance of power away from the governor. Take action to stop this blatant abuse of power.
Read MoreLighting up the night with the Daylight Savings Challenge
To make this winter a little easier for folks in Boone, N.C. facing high energy bills, Appalachian Voices devised the Daylight Savings Challenge. Five student volunteers helped us distribute energy efficient LED light bulbs to seniors. All together, the project should save the residents at least $280 a year. That translates to about 1.75 tons of coal that won’t get burned and more than four tons of carbon dioxide pollution that won’t contribute to climate change
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