Written by Peter Anderson

Peter Anderson
A native of northern Virginia, Peter holds a J.D. from George Mason University and is a member of the Virginia State Bar. He joined Appalachian Voices in 2016 as our Virginia Program Manager with a keen passion for transitioning the region from fossil fuels to a clean energy economy.
It’s a wrap! A rundown of the 2021 Virginia General Assembly
We and our allies fought hard for the health and well-being of communities and the environment, and we’re grateful for the emails and calls you delivered to the legislature to support these efforts.
The Supreme Court rules, but ACP fight far from over
The proposed Atlantic Coast Pipeline still lacks more than half a dozen key permits and faces fierce policy and economic headwinds. The fight to stop it is far from over.
Va governor signs pipeline bill that protects consumers
A new law in Virginia protects electricity customers from paying for unnecessary natural gas pipelines; it could have impact on the controversial Atlantic Coast Pipeline.
Finally, Virginia lawmakers heed public’s call for clean energy
After years of advocacy by Appalachian Voices and many others, the Virginia legislature 2020 session produced bold measures that will move us toward a cleaner, more equitable energy economy — but there is work left to do.
The change in Richmond can bring change statewide
Advocates for clean energy, environmental justice and fair electricity pricing are leveraging the shift in political power in Richmond to advance their missions. Here’s some of the bills Appalachian Voices is working on this session.
Bringing energy democracy to Virginia
A series of presentations and workshops on energy democracy is beginning in the Commonwealth of Virginia. Read more about three events we’re holding in November — we hope to see you there!
A watershed moment in Virginia’s energy politics
Last week the Virginia General Assembly and Governor…
A watershed moment in Virginia’s energy politics
A groundswell of citizen pressure and efforts by Appalachian Voices and other groups on Dominion’s rate bill disrupted “business as usual” in this year’s Virginia General Assembly.
Heading into the final stretch on Va. electric rate bill
The Virginia General Assembly will cast final votes on Dominion Energy’s rate overhaul this coming week, but enormous problems with the bill remain. CALL YOUR LEGISLATOR TODAY!