Community solar projects expand access to clean energy in the Tennessee Valley and beyond

dremc-solar1Guest Contributor Taylor Allred: Solar fever is sweeping the nation, but not everyone has the opportunity to take advantage of the clean energy opportunity at hand. One promising solution to the obstacles limiting access to solar are community solar projects, which allow individuals to purchase a portion of a larger-scale solar installation that is typically managed by their utility.

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A schizoid rate case and a climate directive in Virginia

A recent order from the Virginia State Corporation Commission could spell trouble for residential and small-scale solar in the state. But there is also reason to have hope as regulators rejected a proposal by Appalachian Power Company to nearly double the fixed fees that show up on its customers’ monthly bills. Here’s a look at a schizoid rate case and what it could mean for Virginia’s energy future.

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Coal ash cleanup still contested in North Carolina

12311876586_dd088acae8_zAs the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency puts the final touches on the first-ever federal regulation of coal ash, North Carolina’s response to the Dan River spill is still hotly contested and new controversies about the best ways to clean up coal ash are beginning to emerge.

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Nothing to see here

KY_Cabinet_cartoonThe Kentucky Energy and Environment Cabinet’s dismissive attitude toward the severity of mining pollution in the state is unsurprising after citizen cases against one coal company exposed the agency’s utter failure to enforce the Clean Water Act. But the jig is up. The Cabinet should stop trying to cover up its incompetence and actually do its job.

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What will Obama’s legacy be on mountaintop removal?

GRreport After six years of the Obama presidency, mountaintop removal coal mining continues to put Appalachian communities at risk, leading many to wonder what his legacy on the issue will be. The Alliance for Appalachia just released a Grassroots Progress Report examining the administration’s successes and shortfalls in dealing with mountaintop removal.

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DENR deserves an environmental leader to replace John Skvarla

johnSkvarlaLargeAfter a tumultuous two years as secretary of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources, John Skvarla is stepping over to lead the state’s Commerce Department. No word from Gov. Pat McCrory on who will replace Skvarla yet, but here’s to hoping his successor is the environmental leader DENR deserves and North Carolina desperately needs.

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We won’t stop until we’ve won in Virginia

Virginia Sierra ClubDespite last week’s legislative hearing on the Clean Power Plan in Richmond being stacked with pro-industry speakers, the legislators could not fail to notice just how many Virginians took the time to be there to watch and listen, and how passionately they care about shifting to clean energy.

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The Book of Lenny

By Matt Wasson In September, Appalachian Voices lost a dear member of our family. Lenny Kohm worked at Appalachian Voices for nearly 13 years, during which time his wisdom and deep understanding of what moves people to take action became woven into the fabric of the organization. Lenny came to Appalachian Voices in 2001 after…

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