The Rules of the Solar Game

Nothing is more free than the sun and the wind, right? The answer is not as clear-cut as one might think, and is different from state to state and even within the same state, as utilities often set their own renewable energy policies. The cost of both residential and utility-scale solar has fallen greatly in…

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Harnessing Solar in Appalachia

The United States is in the midst of a solar boom. The Solar Energy Industries Association reported a 97 percent increase in solar installations in 2016 compared to 2015. But as other states take advantage of solar, much of Appalachia is left in the dark with legislation that limits solar expansion. Even within Appalachian states,…

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Unique Solar Applications

By Otto Solberg Although solar fields generate large amounts of renewable energy, the ground underneath is commonly planted with turf grasses that do not effectively drain rainwater and require carbon-wasting maintenance. These innovative applications of solar energy are minimizing those negative impacts and creating more benefits for incorporating solar. Sun-Raised Sheep To maintain the land…

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A historic step backward

The Clean Power Plan represented a historic if modest step toward curbing carbon pollution and accelerating the transition to cleaner energy nationwide. Repealing the rule is a historic step backward.

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