Federal Grants for Troubled Appalachian Species | W.Va. Superfund Cleanup

Federal Grants To Assist Troubled Appalachian Species A round of special funding by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service awarded $33 million toward helping threatened and endangered species in 21 states, including several projects in the Central and Southern Appalachian region. In Cumberland County, Tenn., more than $700,000 will protect aquatic resources and improve habitat…

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Bidding Farewell to a Mountain of a Man

By Lenny Kohm Larry Gibson was an exceptional man – a warrior for the mountains that he loved, an advocate for justice, and a mentor to the thousands of people all across the country who joined with him in his struggle to end the daily tragedy that is mountaintop removal coal mining. I first met…

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A Short Hiss-tory of Timber Rattlesnakes

By Matt Grimley Imagine yourself in the mountains, climbing near large rocks. Suddenly, from an outcropping near your feet, you hear something. It rattles like a maraca, you think, but not as festively. Congratulations: you found a timber rattlesnake! Historically, it has not been hard to happen upon Crotalus horridus. This snake can be found…

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Kentucky Governor Under Suit for Pro-Coal Corruption

Former Mine Permits director Ron Mills claims he was fired for failing to sign illegal coal mining permits. Mills was a political appointee of Kentucky Governor Steve Beshear, whose official website states: As governor, Beshear has helped restore public trust by creating a culture of integrity in state government that has included rooting out cronyism…

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A Chance to Learn and Share at Weekend in Wise

The annual Weekend in Wise County event, hosted by the Southern Appalachian Mountain Stewards, is more than an opportunity for people to witness mountaintop removal coal mining and what it leaves behind for the people of Appalachia. It is an opportunity to meet an amazing community trying to raise their families in an environment where…

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New Studies Reveal Another Toxic Page in the Coal Ash Chronicles

The latest independent study of water quality among 11 North Carolina lakes and rivers downstream from coal-fired power plants’ coal ash ponds revealed “high levels of contaminants that in several cases exceed the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s guidelines for drinking water and ecological effects.” Coal ash, the toxic byproduct of burning coal for electricity, is…

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Welcome to Virginia’s Energy Conference, with your host King Coal

Last week, Appalachian Voices and members of the Wise Energy for Virginia Coalition attended the Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell’s Energy Conference. Looking at the agenda, we were prepared for what would surely be a biased conference. But we didn’t know it would be this bad. At every stage of the conference, the coal companies and…

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Big Coal Wins Latest Battle to Blast Historic Blair Mountain

Is nothing sacred to coal companies in Appalachia? In a jaw-dropping display of contempt and disregard for the communities and landscapes where they mine coal, three coal companies back in 2009 challenged the listing of West Virginia’s Blair Mountain on the National Register of Historic Places. The companies, including mining behemoths Alpha Natural Resources and…

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