Written by AV's Intern Team


AV's Intern Team

Every year, Appalachian Voices is fortunate to assemble a phenomenal team of rockstar interns from numerous Appalachian and East Coast universities. Enjoy these posts from our interns.

Remembering an Environmental Warrior

Lenny Kohm was an activist who inspired countless people from the Arctic to Appalachia to stand up and exercise their right to protect the land and communities they love. We share several of the many tributes made to this hero, known by many as “The Chief.”

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Corruption and Enforcement Failures Raise Concern for Clean Water

Recently uncovered conspiracies to violate the Clean Water Act have heightened concerns about corruption in central Appalachia and the effectiveness of state agencies responsible for enforcing the law.

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Contested Mine Next to Kanawha State Forest Continues Operations

An effort by West Virginians to stop mountaintop removal mining near a state forest failed even as the mine amassed a series of violations.

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Roanoke Electric Receives $6 Million Loan for Energy Efficiency

In October, the North Carolina-based Roanoke Electric Cooperative became one of the first recipients of a loan through the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Energy Efficiency and Conservation Loan Program.

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Legal Battles Flare Up Regarding Atlantic Coast Natural Gas Pipeline

The proposed Atlantic Coast Pipeline would deliver natural gas produced in Ohio, Pennsylvania and West Virginia to power plants and other industrial customers in the Southeast, and is already stirring controversy along the proposed route.

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Sandhill Cranes: A Winter Spectacle in Southeast Tennessee

Each winter, thousands of redheaded, long-legged sandhill cranes descend upon the mud flats and grain fields along the banks of the Tennessee River at the Hiwassee Wildlife Refuge in Southeast Tennessee.

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Proposed N.C. Fracking Rules Move Forward

North Carolina’s Mining and Energy Commission approved proposed changes to state rules on hydraulic fracturing this November. Citizens and environmental groups submitted nearly 220,000 public comments on the rules governing fracking safety standards, but the commission made few significant changes the public proposed.

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Court Upholds EPA Revocation of Mine Permit

A federal judge acknowledged the environmental damage caused by mountaintop removal this September when she ruled to uphold a U.S. Environmental Protection Agency veto of a permit for one of the largest surface mines ever proposed in Appalachia.

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Research Finds Mine Reclamation Failures

Efforts to restore mountaintop removal coal mines are not meeting the objectives of the Clean Water Act, creating a variety of consequences for aquatic life, according to a September study by the University of Maryland’s National Socio-Environmental Synthesis Center.

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Industry Attempts to Derail Oil Train Safety Rules

Following a rise in explosive, and sometimes deadly,…

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