Written by Guest Contributor


Guest Contributor

Welcome to our special feature where we invite guests to pull up a chair, sit a spell, and share their views on issues important to you.

Miners with black lung disease deserve better

Coal miners were promised health care benefits if they contract black lung, a deadly disease. Congress owes it to them to ensure those benefits are funded.

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REC service area map

Customer-owned utilities should be leaders on clean energy. Why do most of them fail to deliver?

Clean energy expert Ivy Main looks at how a lack of transparency and democracy at many Virginia electric cooperatives is causing them to fall behind on renewable energy. Member-owners at Rappahannock Electric Cooperative are trying to change that.

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One neighbor shares the devastating impact of Mountain Valley Pipeline construction on her animals and family

Arietta Ann DuPre’s land and her neighbor’s land in Wayside, W.Va., serves as a home for rescued horses and other animals – and in early 2018, Mountain Valley Pipeline developers cut her horses’ pasture land in two.

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kids by big tree

West Virginians speak out against proposal to log state parks

Guest blogger Chad Cordell of the Kanawha Forest Coalition provides an update on a West Virginia bill that would allow commercial logging of high-value trees in WV state parks, and shares some easy ways to contact decision-makers in support of our parks. #SOSParks

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Appalachian solar jobs on the line in Trump’s Suniva decision

Guest blogger Kyle Pennell of PowerScout takes a look at President Trump’s upcoming January 26 ruling regarding tariffs on solar panel imports and the potential impact his decision could have either way.

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Boo! Should Duke Energy’s shift from electricity rates to mandatory fees scare us?

In addition to the thousands of customers, NC’s customer advocate has come out strongly against Duke Energy Progress’s 14 percent rate hike. There’s even more to the story when you dig in …

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A people’s tribunal on environmental justice impacts of fracked gas

Lakshmi Fjord, property owner in Buckingham County, Va., where a giant compressor station would be built, talks about the ongoing effort to stop the Atlantic Coast Pipeline and the people coming together to fight it.

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Re: The Problem With Pipelines

Guest blogger Mike Younger became involved in the struggle to prevent pipeline expansion when his community in middle Tennessee was informed that they were in the path of a massive fossil fuel infrastructure project.

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Monogamous and territorial – my common traits with woodpeckers

Living in Virginia, it’s easy to take the Blue Ridge Mountains for granted. But if you pay attention, there’s a mystery to them that many don’t appreciate — including the companies who want to build natural gas pipelines through them.

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Virginia inches closer to a carbon market

Virginia’s Department of Environmental Quality is developing a rule that could significantly limit carbon emissions from power plants in the commonwealth. Developing a carbon trading program would be a sound option.

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