Monthly Archives: January 2011

Duke Makes “Progress” In Taking Over the World

Duke Energy and Progress Energy are about unite their “wonder twin powers” to become the largest electric utility in the country. What form they will take remains to be seen, but there are lots of opinions. The companies expect to

Dear Joe Manchin, Arch Coal Has a Plan, And it is Not You.

The FArCES of Coal:”With Our Head in the Sand, As Loud As We Can” Edition Well, I’m not sure how it happened. But it seems like southern West Virginia has survived its first post-apocalyptic, economy-annihilating, way-of-life-ending weekend after EPA heroically

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: “Lisa Jackson is the Most Courageous EPA Administrator in U.S. History”

Team App Voices’ friend and colleague Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has released this statement regarding the veto of the Spruce Mine permit. Like most Americans we’ve heard from, he strongly supports the EPA standing up to the coal lobby in

Victory! EPA Vetoes Spruce Mine Permit.

EPA announced today that they will be vetoing the largest mountaintop removal permit in WV history. Appalachian Voices is thrilled to hear that EPA will be vetoing this permit in order to protect human health and aquatic ecosystems in Central

Video Blog #1: 112th Congress

We at the Front Porch would like to start employing more pieces like this in the future. We welcome your feedback (and in my case, your video editing expertise 🙂 ) Enjoy! Thanks so much to Katey Lauer, Lenny Kohm,

Representative Gabrielle Giffords Shot

In a tragic piece of news, we learn that there has been an attempted assassination of Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ). Congresswoman Giffords was shot in the head at point blank range after a gunman opened fire at a public event.

Health Groups Oppose Coal Plant and Urge Va. Beach to Do The Same

Just before Christmas, three health organizations announced that they are joining together in opposition to the proposed Hampton Roads coal-fired power plant and are inviting you to join them. The Consortium for Infant and Child Health (CINCH), the Virginia Asthma


Judy Bonds, Remembered

It is with a heavy heart that we witness the passing of one of the greatest community organizers and Appalachian leaders in our country’s history, Judy Bonds.

A loyal friend, inspiring leader, and and a proud family woman, Judy will be remembered for her unwavering commitment to the people of Appalachia and for her heroic efforts to ending mountaintop removal coal mining. With her sharp wit and quick smile, Judy was a joyful peer, an engaging collaborator, and a powerful and beautiful storyteller who told the rest of America the story of the Appalachia and its people. Judy stood up and spoke up for herself and her region at great personal risk to herself, facing arrest, threats, and even assault from allies of a corrupt coal industry . Born in Marfok Hollow,WV a proud daughter of a coal miner, Judy, received international acclaim in 2003, winning the prestigious Goldman Environmental Prize for community organizing at a time when few people had even heard of mountaintop removal.

Breaking News: Kentucky refuses to post the full record against ICG and Frasure Creek

On Dec 17, 2010, Judge Shepherd ordered the Kentucky Energy & Environment Cabinet to post the proposed consent judgments with ICG and Frasure Creek to its website and provide for a 30 day public comment period. When the Appalachia Water


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