Controversy in Va. mounts as Dominion bill nears a vote

Dominion Energy is at it again, using its political influence to push legislation that would weaken regulatory oversight and boost profits at the expense of its Virginia customers. But this time something is different. The corporate giant is being met with significant opposition.

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Va. regulators reject APCO’s misguided renewable energy program

SCC commissioners

Contact: Peter Anderson, Appalachian Voices, 434-293-6373, Yesterday, the Virginia State Corporation Commission rejected a program proposed by Appalachian Power Company that would have charged customers well above market rates if they elected the utility’s proposed program for 100% renewable energy. Appalachian Voices and others who participated in the SCC proceeding were concerned the program…

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Why is Dominion’s IRP important for Virginia’s future?

Peter outside his landlords' home in Charlottesville.

In Virginia, electric utilities providing public services are regulated to ensure that they balance reliability, sustainability, and affordability. That balancing act is what “integrated resource planning” is all about. In this blog, we dive into the recent plan from Dominion Virginia Power, the heavyweight in the state’s electric sector whose choices affect not only its customers, but virtually all of us, and our environment.

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