Decent news for N.C. solar power

According to a report by Environment North Carolina, the state ranks fourth nationally for installed photovoltaic solar power in 2013. The N.C. Utilities Commission’s decision to renew a set of rules governing the contracts between electric utilities and independent power producers allows the state’s solar developers to begin the new year on steady footing.

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A schizoid rate case and a climate directive in Virginia

A recent order from the Virginia State Corporation Commission could spell trouble for residential and small-scale solar in the state. But there is also reason to have hope as regulators rejected a proposal by Appalachian Power Company to nearly double the fixed fees that show up on its customers’ monthly bills. Here’s a look at a schizoid rate case and what it could mean for Virginia’s energy future.

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Appalachian Power’s solar customers rise and shine for clean energy

IMG_6454No one is more vocal about the need for Appalachian Power Company to invest in solar than those who already have: customers with their own solar arrays. But Virginians who produce their own energy are just part of a larger group of APCo customers demanding their utility expand its energy efficiency programs, encourage residential solar and take advantage of other opportunities to increase clean energy.

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We Made History! Highlights from the People’s Climate March

march5Last weekend, Appalachian Voices joined 400,000 people in New York City for the largest climate march in history. And it was truly inspiring. While massive extractive fossil fuel interests try everything in their power to tighten their grip on our region’s energy future, it’s moments like these that show we are making progress.

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Updates: Stopping the “Tax on the Sun” in Virginia

solar on houseAs the comment period concludes on Appalachian Power Company’s proposed solar “stand-by” charge and next week’s formal regulatory hearing nears, we’re at full swing in a major push for solar freedom in Virginia. There is still time to take action to protect affordable clean energy options for customers.

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Five Schools Switch to Landfill Gas Power

By Carvan Craft Five colleges are putting the saying “one man’s trash is another man’s treasure” into practice with their initiative to use landfill gas for light and power. Hollins University, Emory & Henry College, Lynchburg College, Randolph College and Sweet Briar College are the first institutions in Virginia on track to meet all of…

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Is Obama’s Climate Action Plan on Track?

Picture-9Since the release of his administration’s Climate Action Plan in June 2013, has Obama made strides in developing a clean energy economy and protecting the environment? Let’s take a look at his five-pronged approach to address climate change.

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