Virginia cannot approve proposed natural gas pipelines lacking critical information about impacts on state waters

Appalachian Mountain Advocates * Chesapeake Bay Foundation * Preserve Craig * Southern Environmental Law Center * Wild Virginia Contact: Greg Buppert, Southern Environmental Law Center, 434-977-4090, Ben Luckett, Appalachian Mountain Advocates, 304 645-0125, Cat McCue, Appalachian Voices, 434-293-6373, Conservationists concerned about the two highly controversial natural gas pipelines proposed to cut hundreds…

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In reckless decision, FERC approves two massive, risky fracked-gas pipelines in Appalachia

Contact: Cat McCue, Appalachian Voices Director of Communications, 434-293-6373, cat [at] VIRGINIA – Late yesterday, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) approved the controversial and dangerous inter-state Atlantic Coast and Mountain Valley pipelines. The projects are still pending approval from state agencies like the Virginia State Water Control Board, which meets in December to…

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Groups challenge W.Va. certification for proposed Mountain Valley Pipeline

Contact: Gabby Brown, Sierra Club, Peter Anderson, Appalachian Voices,, 434-293-6373 Richmond, VA — Environmental groups filed suit today challenging West Virginia’s certification for the proposed Mountain Valley Pipeline, which would transport fracked gas across West Virginia and Virginia. The proposed 300-mile, 42-inch pipeline would cross primarily undeveloped, rural agricultural and forested lands. The…

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Atlantic Coast Pipeline is far from a done deal

In a classic “fake news” move, Dominion Resources execs held a tele-press conference yesterday where they basically said the Atlantic Coast Pipeline is a done deal. But at least 25,000 people across W.Va., Va. and N.C. are demanding answers, such as: Is this pipeline even needed?

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Who Profits from the Pipelines?

Expansion of the natural gas infrastructure through constructions such as the Atlantic Coast and Mountain Valley Pipelines carry significant risks to the environment and communities near them. But they also carry significant financial benefits for the companies that build them, which may help explain the rush to build more and more pipelines.

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