High Country residents speak up to save energy

BRE CEO 2Appalachian Voices joined with numerous others this month in asking Blue Ridge Electric co-op to help its members save money and make their homes healthier and more comfortable by financing home energy-efficiency improvements. At the co-op’s annual meeting, CEO Doug Johnson said his team is considering offering debt-free financing for upgrades including home weatherization.

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Video illustrates need for energy efficiency in the High Country

16365617920_c4714ff016_bIn the mountainous northwestern corner of North Carolina, many residents struggle to afford to heat their homes, especially during the region’s long, harsh winters. As part of our High Country Energy Savings campaign, we produced a video featuring the three winners of our High Country Home Energy Makeover contest that provides a glimpse of their experiences with high energy bills and the benefits of greater energy efficiency.

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Reworking the Region

From innovative job-training models and worker-owned business to the prospect of federal funding to reinvigorate Appalachia, people across the region are working for a stronger economy.

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Solidarity in the Tar Heel State

naacp-amyThe communities near Duke Energy’s Belews Creek power plant and coal-ash dump in North Carolina have suffered a long time from water pollution. Now the state is poised to allow the natural gas industry to drill fracking wells nearby. Citizens are saying “enough.” The NAACP announced a civil rights investigation at a recent press conference and took its protest to the state capitol at a “Moral Monday” rally. Appalachian Voices is standing in solidarity with these champions for environmental justice.

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A “crass abuse of power” in the N.C. Senate

The disgust with North Carolina Sen. Bob Rucho today is broad and bipartisan. Yesterday in the Senate finance committee, which he chairs, Rucho not only limited debate on provisions of HB332, which would freeze the state’s highly successful Renewable Portfolio Standard, he refused to allow an individual tally of votes and declared a failed bill passed.

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Who’s casting shadows over N.C. solar?

FB-Cover02-croppedWhen it comes to jobs, pollution, and sustainability, energy from the sun beats energy from fracked gas hands down. So why are N.C. legislators and Duke Energy casting shadows over the state’s potential to become #1 in solar?

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