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Environmental coalition asks federal court to halt construction on Mountain Valley Pipeline

RICHMOND, VA — Today, lawyers for a coalition of environmental advocates including Appalachian Voices filed a motion for stay, asking the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit to put an immediate stop to the construction across waterways


Holding pipeline profiteers accountable

sign in front of house

The fossil fuel industry and monopoly utilities will not turn easily from their money-making course. We citizens must continue to hold them accountable.


Appalachia’s Toxic Dumping Ground

Felicia Mettler

Ohio has more frack waste disposal wells than any other Appalachian state and receives millions of barrels of the toxic waste each year.


Fracked and Overwhelmed

fracking site

As fracking and related infrastructure expand, so does the industry’s impacts on local residents.


Frac Sand Mining in Appalachia

aerial photograph

A step often overlooked in the fracking process is the mining of frac sand, which leads to deforestation.


Virginia cannot approve proposed natural gas pipelines lacking critical information about impacts on state waters

Appalachian Mountain Advocates * Chesapeake Bay Foundation * Preserve Craig * Southern Environmental Law Center * Wild Virginia Contact: Greg Buppert, Southern Environmental Law Center, 434-977-4090, Ben Luckett, Appalachian Mountain Advocates, 304 645-0125, Cat McCue, Appalachian Voices, 434-293-6373,


A people’s tribunal on environmental justice impacts of fracked gas

Lakshmi Fjord, property owner in Buckingham County, Va., where a giant compressor station would be built, talks about the ongoing effort to stop the Atlantic Coast Pipeline and the people coming together to fight it.


In reckless decision, FERC approves two massive, risky fracked-gas pipelines in Appalachia

Contact: Cat McCue, Appalachian Voices Director of Communications, 434-293-6373, cat [at] VIRGINIA – Late yesterday, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) approved the controversial and dangerous inter-state Atlantic Coast and Mountain Valley pipelines. The projects are still pending approval


Pipelines Face Continued Challenges

Citizen and environmental groups continue to challenge the proposed Atlantic Coast Pipeline and Mountain Valley Pipeline as the companies behind the pipelines push for rushed decisions.


Court Prevents County From Banning Fracking Wastewater

A federal appeals court upheld a lower court’s decision to block Fayette County, W.Va., from banning the disposal of fracking waste in the county on the grounds that fracking waste disposal is governed by the state.


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