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Pipeline Developers Push Back Against Grassroots Resistance


Legal challenges continue to stall numerous pipelines as Mountain Valley developers continue to push forward on the MVP Southgate project. A tree-sit in Mountain Valley’s path reaches one year.


W.V. Landowners Win Case Against Fracking Company

West Virginia’s highest court unanimously ruled that mineral companies may not use surface owners’ land to reach gas reserves under adjacent properties without obtaining their express permission.


Report: No convincing evidence that Mountain Valley Pipeline Southgate is needed

Today the Applied Economics Clinic (AEC), a nonprofit consulting group, published an analysis finding that neither the builder nor the anchor customer of the proposed Mountain Valley Pipeline Southgate extension project have provided “convincing evidence of a need for MVP


Mountain Valley Pipeline soils all in its path

Trained citizen monitors in Va. and W.Va. have documented hundreds of violations and possible violations from construction along the Mountain Valley Pipeline. They continue calling for an immediate stop-work order from regulators.


When “clean” energy isn’t

Once the planet’s temperature rises 1.5 degrees Celsius due to global warming, “the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse polish off their martinis, look at each other, and say, ‘It’s go time.’”


Fracking Company to Pay Millions for WV Clean Water Act Violations

Fracking company Antero Resources was ordered to pay $3.15 million for state and federal water pollution violations and to undertake an estimated $8 million cleanup.


Banning fracking worldwide

An international tribunal on human rights, fracking and climate change is calling for a worldwide ban on fracking. The community of Union Hill, Va., helped play a role in this historic occasion.


Virginia water board abandons pursuit of Mountain Valley Pipeline permit revocation

Today, the Virginia State Water Control Board unanimously voted to reverse course in pursuing revocation of Mountain Valley Pipeline’s Clean Water Act § 401 certification. In December, 2018, the board voted 4-3 to consider revoking the project’s certification, but today,


Legal Troubles Escalate for Atlantic Coast and Mountain Valley Pipelines

Construction on the Mountain Valley Pipeline continues in places, despite continued legal challenges. Atlantic Coast Pipeline construction is halted in all three states as projected costs balloon and legal troubles escalate.


Citizens herald major setbacks for controversial fracked-gas pipelines

people stand with "no pipelines" signs

The Mountain Valley Pipeline and Atlantic Coast Pipeline, which have triggered growing opposition and controversy across Virginia and beyond this year, were both dealt major legal setbacks today. On the Mountain Valley project, Virginia Attorney General Mark Herring and the


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